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Vertical structure and occurrence patterns of the cross-equatorial northerly surge under different ENSO and MJO phases

Qoosaku MOTEKI, Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 29116 (2024)







  • 発生メカニズム:ジャワ島南方海上での気圧低下により南向きの気圧傾度力が増大することで発生します。
  • 発生時期と継続期間:
    • 1月と2月に全体の80%以上が集中
    • 通常1~4日間継続
  • 気候条件との関連:
    • ラニーニャ年に発生頻度が顕著に増加
    • MJO位相4~7の期間に87%が集中


From January to March 2021, in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia (BMKG) and JAMSTEC joined forces to carry out the YMC-CSO2021 observation project. This project was undertaken with the determination to “do everything possible under unprecedented constraints.”

Amid worldwide travel restrictions, there was no guarantee that observation equipment could be transported to Indonesia on time, or even that local staff in Indonesia would be allowed to reach the observation sites once the project began. Just being able to collect data felt like a miracle under such challenging circumstances.

Through continuous exchanges of ideas—whether they worked or not, and thinking of the next steps—via WhatsApp (an app like LINE), we worked day and night to find solutions. Three years have now passed since the project’s safe and successful conclusion without any incidents.

While many others have already published significant findings, I am proud to finally contribute my own results that I am personally satisfied with.

New research findings have been reported on the Cross-Equatorial Northerly Surge (CENS), a meteorological phenomenon in the Maritime Continent region. Detailed analysis using YMC-CSO2021 observational data has revealed the following important characteristics:

  • Generation mechanism: Occurs when southward pressure gradient force increases due to pressure drop over the sea south of Java.
  • Occurrence timing and duration:
    • Over 80% concentrated in January and February
    • Typically continues for 1-4 days
  • Relationship with climate conditions:
    • Frequency notably increases during La Niña years
    • 87% occur during MJO phases 4-7

Notably, it was found that while CENS enhances precipitation over Java Island, it weakens precipitation over Sumatra Island. This research represents a significant advancement in understanding the precipitation variation mechanisms in the Maritime Continent region.

気象楽者 海洋研究開発機構 研究員 東京学芸大学教員養成課程 非常勤講師(地学実験・気象楽プログラム担当) 39歳 気象楽者。 2012年「梅雨前線の正体(東京堂出版,2015年現在3刷り)」を上梓し、気象学を童話的ストーリーで「文系だから・・・」と苦手意識を持つ人達にこそ伝え、楽しみ、共に考える取り組みを始める。 しかし、ただ親しみ、楽しむだけでは、天気・気象に「受け身」のまま、情報に振り回されてしまう人が多いことに気付き、「能動的」に天気と付き合い、向き合うための活動として、「サイエンスパフェ」を始める。 2013年「天気と気象についてわかっていることいないこと(ベレ出版)」を上梓し、気象学と日常生活を楽しみながら能動的に結びつけるための方法を提案する。 2014年4月「ニコニコ超会議・ニコニコ学会β」に登壇し、4万人の視聴者の前で「JAMSTEC・・・大丈夫か」と心配される。 NHK教育テレビ「学ぼうBOSAI」の出演・製作を経験し、災害情報発信の在り方を模索する中、講演依頼の増加に伴って、全ての人が災害を倒すためにできることに向き合う「災害バスターズプログラム」を立ち上げる。 生い立ちや赤裸々なプライベートはこちらを。 モテサク伝説@storys.jp


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