Trismidinto, T. W. Hadi, S. Ishida, A. Manda, S. Iizuka, and Q. Moteki, 2016: Development processes of oceanic convective systems inducing the heavy rainfall over the western coast of Sumatra on 28 October 2007. SOLA, 12, 6−11, doi: 10.2151/sola.2016-002.
This study analyzed the oceanic convective systems that induced heavy rainfall over the western coast of Sumatra on 28 October 2007. The convective systems that satisfied the definition of a mesoscale convective complex (MCC), as identified by infrared satellite imagery, developed repeatedly for 16 hours over the Indian Ocean near Sumatra. The MCC developed from midnight on 27 October until the early morning of 28 October, and it was intensified by the land breeze from Sumatra. New convective systems around the decaying MCC were generated during the daytime of 28 October, and they propagated to the western coast of Sumatra in the evening because of a divergent outflow from a cold pool. The combination of the land breeze from Sumatra and cold pool outflows from the decaying MCC was a significant factor in the formation of the convective system that induced strong rainfall up to 46 mm h−1 over the western coast of Sumatra.
Trismidianto Abu Zaya
I’m very proud of this result and your efforts.
You overcame so many obstacles to provide your worthy findings.
Actually, what you were keeping your hopes up encouraged me and gave good effects to around you.
I appreciate I can participate your challenge.