モテサク初の単著論文の視点は、「世界の気候を支配する 熱帯の雲軍団MJOを更に裏から操るモノとは?」という ところ。MJOを主役にした多くの論文では、「MJOは なんでそんなにスゴイのか?」という視点になるのに対し て、モテサクはそのウラを嗅ぎまわって、実は舞台の上で 暴れまわるMJOに指示を出しているヤツがいることに気 付いたのです。
– Moteki, Q., 2015: Equatorially anti-symmetric features in the initiation processes of the Madden-Julian Oscillation observed in the late October during CINDY2011. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 93A, 59-79.
茂木 耕作
本論文は、CINDY2011 (Cooperative Indian Ocean Experiment on Intraseasonal Variability in the Year 2011)の10月下旬に観測されたMJO (Madden-Julian Oscillation)事例の初期過程における赤道非
In this study, we investigated the equatorially antisymmetric features in the initiation processes of the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) event in late October during the cooperative Indian Ocean experiment on intraseasonal variability in the year 2011. This MJO event developed when the thermal equator was drastically shifted from the Northern Hemisphere to the equator from September to October as the Mascarene High over the southern Indian Ocean decayed and shifted southward. The large-scale fields of sea level pressure, temperature, and moisture around the MJO exhibited equatorially antisymmetric features. According to their different features in terms of surface convergence, temperature, and moisture, MJO convection over the Indian Ocean after its onset consisted of four distinct convective components: the southern intertropical convergence zone between 10°S and 0° along the meridional sea surface temperature (SST) gradients (s-ITCZ), the northern-ITCZ at the southern edge of the high SST above 29°C over the Bay of Bengal, the vortex disturbance over the Arabian Sea (VDAS) in association with the zonal SST gradients, and the westward-propagating diurnal convection originating from Sumatra. In particular, the double-ITCZ and VDAS were characterized by a steady, low-level convergence zone along the surface potential temperature gradients forced by the SST. Before the onset of the MJO convection, the double-ITCZ was characterized by cross-equatorial vertical circulation that was baroclinically tilted northward, and s-ITCZ convection was inhibited owing to the strong Mascarene High. After the onset, single, larger-scale upward motion was barotropically formed over the equator because of the equatorward shift of the double-ITCZ. Such changes in the equatorially antisymmetric meridional circulation are relevant for the organization of the MJO convection.